Friday, May 11, 2012

News and Updates

This post will contain notes on what corrections, updates, and expansions I have made to any of the lists and other posts.  If you have not visited in a while, check here to see what may have changed.

January 1, 2016 - I have embedded the latest IMDB Year Ending Top 250 Weighted Ranking list.  It now incorporates 20 years into the rankings.  There are now 670 unique movies on the list.

September 26, 2015 - I have uploaded the newest 1,001 Movies You Must See Before You Die list with the 2015 additions made to it.

March 1, 2015 - I have embedded the 2015 They Shoot Pictures Don't They list, along with new lists of the films formerly on it, and the next 1,000 films ranked after the first 1,000.  I also embedded up to date lists for the Oscars and Golden Globes.  Finally, I added Empire's Top 301 Films of All Time list in the Publishing post.  I still need to update the lists for the Countries, the Festivals, and the Miscellaneous movies lists with the latest winners.

January 1, 2015 - I have embedded the latest IMDB Year Ending Top 250 Weighted Ranking list.  It now incorporates a 17th year into the rankings.  There are now 564 unique movies on the list.

October 21, 2014 - I uploaded the newest version of the 1,001 Movies You Must See Before You Die with the latest additions for 2014.

January 3, 2014 - I uploaded the newly updated IMDB Consolidated and Weighted Top 250 list.  It now includes the 2013 year end list for a total of 16 years worth of rankings.  Seventeen films appeared on the list for the first time and several more returned.  It now has 552 unique films on it.

December 1, 2013 - I uploaded a new tracking sheet for Roger Ebert's Great Films.  It is in the Critics' Lists post.

September 24, 2013 - I uploaded a new 1,001 Movies tracking sheet that includes all the changes made by the newly released Tenth Edition of the book.  Details of those changes can be found in the post itself.

July 10, 2013 - I have done a massive mid-year update of most of the tracking lists in order to present the most recent additions to them.  In addition I completed the entire 1,001 Movies You Must See Before You Die list, so I updated that as well.  I did add a new tracking sheet for those movies that had Oscar winning directors or acting performances in them.  You can find that in the Oscars and Golden Globes post.  I also added Netflix availability columns to the 1,001 Movies Additions from the 101 Genre Lists sheet.

April 11, 2013 - Thanks to Anders and marie_dressler, both of whom kindly shared their research with me, the 1,001 Movies You Must See Before You Die tracking sheet now has up-to-date Netflix Instant Viewing information - including a new column showing when the entry will expire from Instant Viewing - as well as a new column showing the up-to-date Hulu Plus availability for all of the entries.

April 3, 2013 - The big news is that I have uploaded an entirely rebuilt They Shoot Pictures Don't They tracking sheet from the recently issued 2013 edition.  It has major changes both in content and presentation.  It still has tabs for the current Top 1,000 in ranked and alphabetical order, plus all 395 films that used to be on the Top 1,000, plus a tab that combines all of these films into a single tracking list.  To these I added columns for the director, country of origin, and runtime, and then added tabs that have the Top 1,000 sorted by descending runtime and alphabetical by director.  In the Publishing Companies post I added three tracking sheets from Empire Magazine - the Top 500 Films, the Top 100 World Films, and the Top 100 British Films.

March 10, 2013 - I have made a number of updates to this site.  It was pointed out to me that I had an order error in the 1,001 Movies list, with two films swapped around.  While correcting this I also checked the order of every other entry and found one more correction that was needed.  I have now uploaded a new 1,001 Movies tracking sheet that has these corrections, as well as some updated Netflix availablity information.  Along with this I have also uploaded the latest versions of ten other tracking sheets that have had new winners announced since January 3, 2013.  Those new tracking sheets are: the Oscars, the Oscar Best Picture Nominees, the Golden Globes, the BAFTAs, the Cesars, Berlinale, the Image Awards, the Independent Spirit Awards, the Annies, and the Razzies.  Finally, the latest version of the They Shoot Pictures Don't They list was announced a couple of weeks ago.  It will take a considerable amount of work to incorporate it into the tracking sheet I have here, since I will basically be rebuilding everything from scratch.  (I don't just have the 1,000 current movies in my tracking sheet; I also have all the films that used to be in the many versions of the TSPDT lists.)  I will get the latest and greatest version into my tracking sheet here in time.  When I do you will see a new update announcement in this post.

January 3, 2013 - I have made a number of updates to this site.  First, all 66 tracking sheets are now moved over to the new hosting site and all should be available for viewing/downloading. Second, I have added new tracking sheets for the Sight & Sound Critics' and Directors' 2012 voting and the Entertainment Weekly Top 100 movies to the Publishing Company Lists post.  Third, I added a tracking sheet for the National Film Registry movies to the Miscellaneous post.  Fourth, the Consolidated and Weighted IMDB Top 250 list has been updated to contain the films from the 2012 year end.  It now spans 15 years.  Finally, all tracking sheets for those festivals and countries that handed out awards after I initially placed them here have been updated to include every award through the end of 2012.

October 2, 2012 - I have embedded an updated 1,001 Movies tracking sheet that includes all the changes from the new 2012 edition of the book.  I have also added a column that tracks all changes across all editions.  In addition, I added a new tracking sheet for the 348 movies across all six 101 Genre books that are unique from the 1,001 Movies list.  All eight tracking sheets in the 1,001 Movies post should now be working for everyone.

October 1, 2012 - The hosting site for the tracking sheets I embedded here has decided to not cooperate.  I am in the process of transitioning to another site.  When things are complete I will post an "all done" message here.  If there is a specific one you cannot access and you would prefer not to wait, please leave a comment on that post asking about it and I will move it to the top of my To Do list.

September 3, 2012 - Embedded updated versions of all six 101 [genre] Movies You Must See Before You Die tracking lists.  They now have a column indicating if the film in the 101 [genre] list is also in the larger 1,001 Movies list.  Note - an updated 1,001 Movies list with not only the changes from the 2012 edition, but also a new column indicating every change to the list from each edition of the book from 2004 to 2012 should be going up some time in October after the 2012 edition is released.

June 7, 2012 - Embedded new 1,001 Movies You Must See Before You Die tracking list.  This version now has a comprehensive list of films available via Netflix, as well as updated information on movies in the 1,001 Movies Blog Club, and a few small corrections.

May 11, 2012 - Launched this site.


  1. Congratulations on the great book . Regarding the comment about Notorious by Hitchcock movie , I might add one detail. The story is not happens in Argentina , but in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil. Best regards, Marcos Mamede

    1. I don't think your comment is a reply to this thread, but thanks for spending time here.


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